3 Ways to Boost Sales During Times of Crisis

by | Jul 7, 2023 | General Business

There’s no getting away from it. Global pandemics and economic shutdowns make life VERY hard for businesses. Businesses from all over the world are suffering. Some more than others of course, but virtually everyone is feeling it.

The good news is there’s still plenty you can do to ensure your revenue isn’t totally decimated. Here some quick advice you can implement quickly to claw some sales back during this crisis.

Try to Help!

I honestly believe that no matter what market you’re in, there’s SOMETHING you can do to help during this crisis. I’ve seen takeaway companies delivering food to vulnerable people who are shielding. I’ve seen beauty businesses giving free products to those working in hospitals and care environments to say thank you. I’ve seen hair salons doing video tutorials to help people fix their own hair as best possible while at home. I’ve also seen personal tutors doing videos to help children being homeschooled understand a subject.

And a personal example, a pilates teacher doing live video sessions over Zoom. This is a teacher I’d never seen before, but they offered some sessions free for the first month of lockdown and they were great!

So great in fact that I’ve since paid for a full video course, and I’ll be attending some private classes when all this is over. Had this instructor not taken the time to do some free sessions online, I’d have never known about their video course or private classes.

The lesson here is, don’t focus on offering help JUST in the hope of getting future business from it. But be genuine in your offer of help, and there’s a good chance people will remember your business and come back to you in the future.

I forget who said it, but I remember someone telling me early in my career, “Replace the question, how can I make money from people? with…How can I help people?… and the money will normally follow.

Just be genuine! Customers have great BS meters!

Don’t Be Scared of Paid Advertising

I’ve spoken to lots of business owners who have completely stopped paying for ads right now. Yet actually, this might be one of the most affordable periods in recent times to advertise. Why?

Well, big ad networks make their money using an auction model. They want businesses competing for ad space. The more businesses there are competing, the higher the cost per click becomes. When that happens those companies with bigger budgets have to pay more per click, thus the network makes more money.

What’s happening at the moment is less businesses are paying for ads. Some simply can’t afford it or don’t need to (think entertainment venues, bowling alleys, clubs, sports venues, travel companies etc). At the same time less businesses are paying for ads, consumers are spending more time online.

Traffic is up, and ad bids are down, meaning many of you may be able to get traffic far cheaper than you would normally. Depending on your market, now could be the perfect time to ramp up your paid ad operations.

Don’t Forget Your List

It amazes me during normal (what is normal again?) economic times, how poorly some businesses capture email subscribers, or don’t look after the ones they have. Anyone who knows me knows how much I bang on about it being “far easier to sell to existing customers than it is to get new ones.”

And right now, your email subscribers could be a vital part of keeping your revenue up. Think about what you can offer your most loyal and regular customers. Can you offer them some kind of discount on a product/service that they don’t have? Could you create some kind of special coupon code for them to use on anything in store, as a “thank you” for their loyalty?

Customers don’t expect businesses to stop marketing or advertising just because there’s a pandemic. As long as it’s tasteful, honest, and has a genuine message behind it, then they’d actually be more surprised if you DIDN’T email them about it.

Even something as simple as,

“Hey loyal customer, Everything going on in the world has made us feel truly grateful for your ongoing support and custom over the years. It’s a scary time for everyone, and we’d like to do something to brighten your day as our way of saying “Thank you.”

It’s not easy being away from friends and loved ones, and we thought you deserved a treat. SO… for the next 48 hours, if you enter TREAT20 at checkout, you can help yourself to 20% off ANYTHING on our website.

It certainly won’t make up for a global pandemic, but hopefully it will make you smile. And hey… it’s always nice getting something in the post, right?

Please stay safe, and enjoy your 20% off from us!

Thank you once again for your support and custom!”

OK… not a great example I know, but you get the idea. That said, if you start buying bulk toilet rolls or hand sanitizers and start selling those to your list at inflated prices, that is NOT ok and we can’t be friends!

There are dozens of ways you can maximise sales in a tasteful and entertaining way, pandemic or not. As long as your messaging is coming from the right place, do not be afraid to keep promoting your business. This pandemic IS going to pass. Life may change. But people will always need products and services. That my friend, is where you will ALWAYS come in!